Next Level B2B Payments


Our B2B and B2G payment processing solutions are optimized for Level-2 and Level-3 interchange savings so you can pay less on all business and purchase card transactions.  If you’re accepting business cards, corporate cards, travel cards, fleet cards, or corporate purchase cards, and only passing Level-1 or consumer type data, it’s time to improve your interchange qualification. Level-2 and Level-3 credit card processing is fully supported by our business to business and business to government solutions—so you can secure reduced processing rates every time.


What is Level-II Payment Processing?

Level-2 data is transaction level data including customer reference number, invoice number, order number, sales tax, freight, and duty. Visa and MasterCard provide incentive (discounted) processing rates for business cards when transaction level data for customer code and sales tax are provided.


What are Level-III Interchange Savings?

Level-3 line-item detail was designed by Visa and MasterCard to support the demanding requirements of B2B credit card use. The card companies incentivize merchants to electronically provide additional data—including part number, item description, quantity of measure, unit price and extended price—to streamline accounting, audit control, and procurement.